Exposure to trauma in early childhood, either through direct experience or through the intergenerational transmission of trauma, can have profound effects on young children in multiple areas of development. Research has identified the importance of the caregiver-child relationship in altering negative trajectories and enhancing positive outcomes for young children. This presentation will examine the impact of trauma on social-emotional and language development in early childhood, focusing on individual child effects as well as relational implications. Specific strategies for early childhood professionals to promote social-emotional and linguistic development within the caregiver-child relationship will be discussed.
Presented by Jacquelyn Doran Cunningham, PhD, IMH-E of New Jersey Association for Infant Mental Health (NJ-AIMH) and Mahchid Namazi, PhD, CCC-SLP of New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NJSHA)
When: Wednesday, May 24, 2017
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Fee: $30
Register here: http://njsha.org/member-login.php#/event-registration/webinar-may24